Print Quality

Use Print Quality to control the appearance of a print in terms of color, registration, clarity, and the degree to which it resembles the original.

To select a print quality:

  1. Click Print Settings > Printing Options > Print Quality.
  2. From the Print Quality list, select an option.
    • Automatic: Allows the printer determine the optimal print-quality setting to use based upon the selected paper type. For example, the printer uses Enhanced mode when printing on glossy paper and Standard mode when printing on plain paper.
    • Draft: Prints in draft mode, producing lower-quality images, saving toner or ink.
    • Enhanced: Provides the best overall image quality for CAD applications and fine detail. Lines and edges are enhanced for smoothness. Black and dark colors are enhanced for richness.
    • Fast Color: Provides the fastest full-color mode prints. You can use this mode when you have many images or for previewing your work. Fast Color rapidly produces review documents for rush jobs. Use with standard-sized paper in Tray 1. This option is not recommended for documents containing small text, fine detail, or large areas of bright, solid fill.
    • High Resolution: Provides the best overall image quality for detailed line drawings such as CAD files. This option is recommended for printing vibrant, saturated, color prints or photos. The print job can take longer to process when you print using this print-quality mode.
    • High Speed: Provides the fastest full-color mode prints. Use this mode when you have many images and for previewing your work. This option is not recommended for documents containing small text, fine detail, or large areas of bright, solid fill.
    • Photo Mode: Provides the best detail and smoothness for photographic images.
    • Standard: Produces crisp, bright prints at high speed and is ideal for black text. Standard mode provides the best trade-off between performance and image quality for most jobs.
    • Toner Saver: Reduces the amount of toner used for print jobs. This is useful for draft quality output.
  3. Make other selections for the print job as needed.
  4. Click OK.