Add Picture

Use this page to add an image as an annotation. The picture file can be in .bmp, .gif, .png or .jpg format. You can create a picture watermark to print on a document and set options such as size and position on the page.

To create a picture annotation:

  1. Click Add Picture.
  2. For File, browse, then select a picture file. The Add Picture option supports .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .gif files.
    • To specify the angle of the picture on the page, click the rotate button or the arrow button.
    • To specify the location of the picture on the page, click the position button or the arrow button.
    • To adjust the transparency of the picture, move the slider to the right to increase transparency, or to the left to decrease transparency.
  3. For Layering, select an option.
    • Print in Foreground: This option prints the annotation over the text and graphics in the document.
    • Print in Background: This option prints the annotation behind the text and graphics in the document.
  4. For Pages, select an option.
    • Print on All Pages: This option prints the annotation on all pages of your document.
    • Print on First Page Only: This option prints the annotation on the first page of the document only.
  5. Click OK.
  6. To save annotations for future use, click the Save Annotation button.
    1. Type a name for the annotation, or select a name from the list.
    2. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.