Add Comment

You can use this page to create a comment to print on a document. Select options such as font size, font color, and angle.

To add a comment:

  1. Click Add Comment.
  2. For Text, type the comment that you want to add.
    • To specify the angle of the annotation on the page, click the rotate button or the arrow button.
    • To specify the location of the annotation on the page, click the position button or the arrow button.
    • To adjust the annotation transparency, move the slider to the right to increase transparency, or to the left to decrease transparency.
  3. For Layering, select an option.
    • Print in Foreground: This option prints the annotation over the text and graphics in the document.
    • Print in Background: This option prints the annotation behind the text and graphics in the document.
  4. For Pages, select an option.
    • Print on All Pages: This option prints the annotation on all pages of your document.
    • Print on First Page Only: This option prints the annotation on the first page of the document only.
  5. To specify options such as font family, size, and color, click the Font Selection button. Make selections as needed.
  6. Click OK.
  7. To save annotations for future use, click the Save Annotation button.
    1. Type a name or select a name from the list.
    2. Click OK.
  8. Click OK.