There are two steps to printer configuration:
Set the printer's IP address and other addressing information. The Phaser 840, 740 and 780 printers support the use of IP host name as well as IP addresses.
Set the printer's other TCP/IP parameters (optional):
Set host access and control character filtering for each port.
Receiving printer status (Syslog, SNMP, or email notification)
Setting the printer's IP addressing parameters
General information on setting IP parameters (front panel)
Setting IP parameters: Phaser 840 printer front panel
Setting IP parameters: Phaser 740 printer front panel
Setting IP parameters: Phaser 780 printer front panel
Setting IP parameters: Phaser 360 printer front panel
Setting IP parameters: RARP or BOOTP
Setting IP parameters: DHCP
Supported BOOTP/DHCP fields
Enabling and disabling RARP and BOOTP/DHCP (front panel)
Setting IP parameters: PhaserLink Printer Management Software
Controlling host access
Receiving printer status