To print from a Macintosh, you need a printer driver. Installing one of the supported drivers allows you to select printing features right from your computer. Refer to Print features quick reference: Macintosh printer drivers for a reference table of printing features and to Print features for detailed information.
To select printer-specific features, print from one of the following provided drivers. See Print features quick reference: Macintosh printer drivers for a reference table listing the printing features, and how to find them quickly, in each of these drivers.
Without a supported driver, you can make some printing selections from the printer's front panel. Refer to Print features quick reference: Printer's front panel for a list of front panel selections and to Front panel for instructions on using the front panel.
For information on selecting print options with utility files, refer to the online documents on the printer's CD-ROM or the Tektronix World Wide Web site.
Print features quick reference: Macintosh printer drivers
* Factory default setting.
** Requires at least 24 Mbytes of memory.
Available only with the Lower Tray Assembly.
Available only with the Extended Features option.
Select media size
- From the File menu, open the Page Setup dialog box.
- Use the Paper pop-up menu to select the printer's supported paper sizes.
Select printer-specific options
- From the File menu, open the Print dialog box.
- Click the TekColor button in the Print dialog box to see the TekColor Options dialog box.
- Select printer-specific options:
* Using the Multi-Purpose Feeder
- In the TekColor Options dialog box, select Multi-Purpose Feeder under Tray Selection.
- Select the media type under MP Feeder Media:
Using the Apple LaserWriter 8 printer driver
Select media size
- From the File menu, open the Page Setup dialog box.
- Use the Paper pop-up menu to select the printer's supported paper sizes.
Select printer-specific options
- From the File menu, open the Print dialog box.
- Select the media tray* by location or type in the Paper Source field.
- Click the Options button to see the Print Options dialog box.
- Select printer-specific options:
* Using the Multi-Purpose Feeder
- In the Print dialog box, select Multi-Purpose Feeder in the Paper Source field.
- In the Print Options dialog box, select the media type under MP Feeder Media:
Using the Phaser 560 GX printer driver
Note: Refer to the on-line manuals on the printer's CD-ROM for details on using the Phaser 560 GX
printer driver.
Printing with a desktop printer
If you are using QuickDraw GX applications, do one of the following:
Select any desktop printer in the Print dialog box.
Drag a document onto a desktop printer icon. The application corresponding to the document opens, prints the document, and then quits.
If you are using non-QuickDraw GX applications, do one of the following:
Print to the default desktop printer with the Print command from the File menu.
Drag a document onto a desktop printer icon. The application corresponding to the document opens, displays the Print dialog box, and waits for you to click Print. After printing the document, the application quits.
Selecting printing options
Most of the commands in the Printing menu are standard QuickDraw GX driver commands, and are documented by Apple (see the Macintosh Guide on-line document for details). The last group of commands in this menu are printer-specific.
Use the Printer Driver Defaults command in the Printing menu to set default options for the selected desktop printer.
Note: The printer defaults dialog box is also available through the Print command in the File menu for
QuickDraw GX applications.