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The current density setting for each color is indicated by the dashed line enclosure and the numeric value (-10 to +10) next to each color. The page also shows the ranges that you can select in the front panel. In the example on the next page, the density setting for each color is the default, 0.
Calibrate Colors menu selections
The current Light/Dark setting reflects the average value of the four separate density settings. Each increment adjusts all four density values up or down the same amount. The available adjustment range is limited so that no single color exceeds the ±10 value limit.
Note: The Quick Collate option is only available with the Extended Features configuration of the printer.
Phaser 560 Quick Collate
The number of pages that can be collated at one time depends on these factors:
ZMA16 16-Mbyte SIMM (Option 16)
ZMA32 32-Mbyte SIMM (Option 32)
Recommended: At least 40 Mbytes of memory and an external hard disk. Refer to Expanding your printing system for ordering information.
The ability to access Check Print from the driver is enabled and disabled in the printer's front panel. You can also set the timeout in the front panel (the timeout is the amount of time the printer will wait after sending the first page of a file, before it continues with the remainder of the job).
The factory default for Check Print is disabled; the default timeout is 5 minutes. Follow these instructions to enable Check Print in the front panel and select the option in the printer driver:
The asterisk (*) indicates the current setting. By default, Check Print is enabled. Pressing an arrow button toggles the selection between enabled and disabled. Pressing the OK button activates the new selection.
This feature is typically used when the image being printed is at a lower resolution than the printer's output resolution. For example, printing an image downloaded from the World Wide Web at 72 dpi using the printer's 600 or 1200 dpi. Images printed using Image Smoothing appear with less sharp detail but with smoother color transitions. Image Smoothing does not affect images downloaded at more than half the printer's resolution. Due to extra internal printer calculations, printing may take longer with Image Smoothing on.
The printer displays the first message.