SMB Help
The SMB page is available when the Multi-Protocol Network Card is installed.
Enable SMB - Select the first checkbox to enable SMB. Select the other checkboxes to enable TCP/IP and NetBEUI.
Host Name - Enter the host name, up to 15 characters in length. Host name can include alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).
Workgroup - Enter the workgroup name, up to 15 characters in length. Workgroup name can include alphanumeric characters and the following special characters:
! # $ @ & \ ( ) - . ^ _ { } ~
Administrator Name - Enter the administrator name, up to 20 characters in length. Administrator name can include alphanumeric and special characters.
Administrator Password - Enter the administrator password, up to 14 characters in length. Administrator password can include alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The password displays as a row of asterisks (*) on this page.
Re-enter Administrator Password - Verify the administrator password by re-entering it in this field.
Maximum Number of Sessions - This field displays the maximum number of connections.
Unicode Support - Select whether or not to notify the host name and workgroup name in unicode characters during SMB transmission.
Auto Master Mode - Select whether or not to enable auto master mode, a function that manages device host names in a workgroup.
Password Encryption - Select whether or not to encrypt the password during SMB transmission.
Print Time-Out - The amount of time allowed in seconds before print data times out. The default setting (600 seconds) should be used in most cases.
Non-print Time-Out - The amount of time in seconds before non-print data times out. The default setting (180 seconds) should be used in most cases.
When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings. The settings become active after you save the changes, and then restart the printer from CentreWare IS or by manually switching it off and then on again.