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NetWare Help

The NetWare page is available when the Multi-Protocol Network Card is installed. This page enables you to configure the settings for NetWare and SLP. The printer only supports PServer mode. To use the printer in NetWare environments, you must configure a NetWare server in addition to the settings on this page. To set up a NetWare server, you must configure a print server object, printer object, and queue object. Refer to your NetWare documentation for more information.

Enable NetWare - Select this checkbox to enable NetWare.

Host Name - Enter the print server name of the PServer mode (print server object name), up to 47 alphanumeric characters in length.

Active Mode - Select the Active Mode of the printer when using NetWare:

  • Bindery:PServer Mode - Select this option when using the print server mode in NetWare Bindery Service.
  • Directory:PServer Mode - Select this option when using the print server mode in NetWare Bindery Service.

Tree Name - Enter the tree name used for NetWare Directory Service, up to 32 characters in length. Special characters are not allowed. Configure this setting when using NetWare Directory Service.

Context Name - Enter the context name used for NetWare Directory Service, up to 255 characters in length. Configure this setting when using NetWare Directory Service.

File Server Name - Enter the file server name used for NetWare Bindery Service, up to 47 characters in length. Special characters are not allowed. Configure this setting when using NetWare Bindery Service.

Polling Interval - Enter the time interval in seconds from when print data enters the print queue until printing starts. The value entered must be between 1 and 1000 seconds.

NCP Packet Burst - Select whether or not to use NCP packet burst.

Password - Enter the print server password, up to 32 characters in length. Password can include alphanumeric and special characters, except the tilde (~). The password displays as a row of asterisks (*) on this page.

Re-enter Password - Verify the password by re-entering it in this field.

Status - The printer status message appears in this field. Click the Refresh Status button on this page to update the printer status message.


Active Discovery - Select the Enabled checkbox to use active discovery mode, the automatic search feature of the SLP directory agent.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings. The settings becomes active after you save the changes, and then restart the printer from CentreWare IS or by manually switching it off and then on again.

Link: Xerox website