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Configuring the Identity Tab

The first time you access the Identity tab, by default, all columns display. Remove columns from display by selecting them in the Displayed Columns box and moving them to the Available Columns box. Add columns for display by selecting them from the Available Columns box and moving them to the Displayed Columns box. To move columns between the boxes, use the right and left arrows: Left arrow Right arrow

Reorder the columns to display as you like using the up and down arrows: Up arrow Down arrow

Note: In the Identity tab, the Status column is fixed and cannot be moved or deleted.

Image of Available and Displayed columns

For example, if you select IP Address, Model, Manufacturer, and Serial #, as shown above, the Identity tab will display the columns in the following order:

  1. Status (always fixed)
  2. IP Address
  3. Model
  4. Manufacturer
  5. Serial #

Any additional fields you add will display in the order you choose. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings.

Configuring the Status and Manage Tabs

The Status and Manage tabs can display a maximum of five columns. Three of the columns display by default. The first column, Status, and last two columns, Status Detail, and Quick Links, cannot be moved or deleted. You can configure the other two columns to display as you wish.

Select the fields from the Available Columns box and move them to the Displayed Columns box using the left and right arrows: Left arrow Right arrow

Reorder the fields to display as you want using the up and down arrows: Up arrow Down arrow

The order in which you place the columns in the Displayed Columns box is the order that they will display in the second and third columns on the tab.

Note: Only the first two fields after Status will display on the Manage and Status tabs. Any other fields selected are ignored. Therefore, if you select IP Address, Model, Manufacturer, and Serial #, and move them to the Displayed Columns box, the Manage tab will display the columns in the following order:

  1. Status (always fixed)
  2. IP Address
  3. Model
  4. Status Detail (always fixed)
  5. Quick Links (always fixed)

Since Status, Status Detail, and Quick Links always display, only the first two selections, IP Address and Model, will display on the tab.


  • If any of the columns you've chosen to delete in the Identity tab are displayed on either the Manage tab or the Status tab, you will not be able to delete them from the Identity tab.
  • Access to the Preferences tab functions is controlled by the Administrator. You may require a user name and password to access these functions. Refer to the Administrator Security Settings page in CentreWare IS.
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