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Phaser 360

Changing the Energy Star mode and timeout
When the printer is idle for the time set in the Energy Star front panel menu, it cools down completely. When the printer exits the Energy Star mode, it is ready to print in about 20 minutes.

For printers ordered with the Energy Star option, the Energy Star default is set to 1 hour. After an hour of inactivity, the printer begins a cool-down cycle that requires a 20 minute warm-up period before being ready to use again. Increasing the Energy Star value from 1 hour keeps the printer ready for printing and eliminates the warm-up period. In the printer's standard configuration, the Energy Star default is set to 999 hours.

Since the printer uses ink during warm-up from a power-off condition and when exiting Energy Star mode, you can reduce ink consumption by leaving the printer on. To ensure optimum printing performance and best ink economy, leave the printer turned on overnight and during weekends.

There are several ways you can change the Energy Star mode:

Changing the Energy Star mode from the front panel

To change the Energy Star timeout, follow these steps:

  1. When the printer is on and the Ready/Printer Name message appears, press the Menu button. The printer displays the first selection in the menu:

    Help Pages

    <---- ----> Menu

  2. Using the left (<----) or right (---->) arrow buttons, scroll through the selections until the following message appears:

    Printer Defaults

    <---- ----> Menu

  3. Press the Menu button to access printer default selections. The printer displays the Startup Page message if you do not have the optional Lower Tray Assembly installed. If you do have the optional tray, the first message to appear is Default Tray.

    Startup Page

    <---- ----> Menu

  4. Using the left or right arrow buttons, scroll through the selections until the following message appears:

    Energy Star Timeout

    <---- ----> Menu

  5. Press the Menu button to access Energy Star selections. The printer displays the following message:

    Timeout:999 hrs

    <---- ----> OK

  6. Using the left or right arrow buttons, scroll through the selections until the appropriate setting is reached.

    Note: Change the Energy Star Timeout from its default value to a maximum value by pressing the left arrow (<----) button.
  7. Press the OK button to confirm your Energy Star timeout selection.

  8. Return to the top level of the menu by pressing the Exit button until the printer displays the Ready message.

Changing the Energy Star mode with PhaserLink software

Refer to the PhaserShare Networking System Administrator Guide for information on using your World Wide Web browser to access the printer.

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