The color rendering intents are designed for use with images containing colors specified in the PostScript Level 2 international color standard, CIE XYZ, which was developed by the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (International Commission on Illumination).
Each color rendering intent provides a specific type of color matching.
Rendering Intent Absolute
For jobs in which the most important consideration is matching colors exactly to the computer's screen colors. This absolute rendering reproduces all colors exactly: the white in an image prints exactly as it appears on the computer screen; in other words, if the "white" appears to contain a color (such as blue or gray), that color is printed rather than the white of the paper.
Many screen colors cannot be printed accurately on the Phaser 600 or other color printers. The printer uses the closest printer colors available for screen colors. Consequently, "flat" areas appear on prints where slightly different colors appear on the screen.
Rendering Intent Relative
For jobs in which the most important consideration is matching colors exactly to the computer's screen colors. This relative rendering does not print the white areas in an image; rather, it uses the white of the paper.
Rendering Intent Saturation
Use this option for business graphics where the saturation, or brightness, of the colors is the most important consideration.
Rendering Intent Perceptual
Use this option to improve the appearance of scanned images.
Click on the following topics for more information:
From the PhaserPrint plug-in for Photoshop
If you are using Photoshop, you can use the PhaserPrint plug-in to select color rendering intents. See Using the PhaserPrint Plug-in for Photoshop for instructions.
From a downloadable utility file
Use the following downloadable utility files to set the printer's default color rendering intent. These files remain in the printer's memory only while the printer is turned on. If the printer is turned off or reset, the default returns to Rendering Intent Relative.
Downloading methods
Utility files
All Macintosh users: Use the LaserWriter Utility to download these files to the printer. See Downloading files from a Macintosh for instructions.
Rendering Intent Absolute
Rendering Intent Perceptual
Rendering Intent Relative
Rendering Intent Saturation
QuickDraw GX users: Use the Phaser 600 GX driver to download these files to the printer. See Downloading printer utilities for instructions.
Use the DOS COPY command to download these files to the printer. See Downloading files from a PC for instructions.
Use the Windows 3.1 File Manager to download these files to the printer.
Use the appropriate commands for your workstation.