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Controlling host access

LPR (BSD systems)

You can control which hosts can access the printer through LPR. The printer's factory default is that all hosts have access to the printer.

There are two ways to set host access:

Controlling host access using PhaserLink software

With a TCP/IP connection and a World Wide Web browser, you can use PhaserLink software to set host access. For more information on PhaserLink software, see PhaserLink Software: the Printer's Information Link.

  1. Click the Configuration button; this displays the View and Configure Settings page.

  2. On the View and Configure Settings page, click the link View and Configure Interface Settings; this displays the View and Configure Interface Settings page.

  3. On the View and Configure Interface Settings page, click the link View and Configure LPR Settings; this displays the View and Configure LPR Settings page.

  4. In the Host Access List field, enter the IP addresse(s) of the host(s) that will have access to the printer. You can enter addresses for multiple hosts by separating them with spaces, up to a total of 256 characters. If you do not enter any addresses, all hosts will have access to the printer.

  5. Enter the validation password (if one has been assigned), and click the Do/Apply button.

Controlling host access using a PostScript utility file

To create a PostScript file to set host access, use the script config-LPR provided with the printer's network utilities software.

  1. Make sure that the printer is connected to the network.

  2. Run the script config-LPR:

    1. Change (cd) to the bin subdirectory in the directory where you placed your printer's network utilities.

    2. Type the name of the script, redirecting the output to a file:

      config-LPR > filename

  3. When prompted, enter the IP addresse(s) of the host(s) that will have access to the printer. You can enter addresses for multiple hosts by separating them with spaces, up to a total of 256 characters. If you do not enter any addresses, all hosts will have access to the printer.

    Note: The script accepts IP addresses that have empty fields (for example, 123..40.10). The script does not detect this error. Double-check the IP addresses you enter.
  4. Send the file named in Step 2b to the printer; type:

    lpr -Pqueue-name filename

AppSocket (TCP Sockets)

You can control which hosts can access the printer through AppSocket. The printer's factory default is that all hosts have access to the printer.

There are two ways to set host access:

Controlling Host Access using PhaserLink Software

With a TCP/IP connection and a World Wide Web browser, you can use PhaserLink software to set host access. For more information on PhaserLink software, see PhaserLink Software: the Printer's Information Link.

  1. Click the Configuration button; this displays the View and Configure Settings page.

  2. On the View and Configure Settings page, click the link View and Configure Interface Settings; this displays the View and Configure Interface Settings page.

  3. On the View and Configure Interface Settings page, click the link View and Configure AppSocket Settings; this displays the View and Configure AppSocket Settings page.

  4. In the Host Access List field, enter the IP addresse(s) of the host(s) that will have access to the printer. You can enter addresses for multiple hosts by separating them with spaces, up to a total of 256 characters. If you do not enter any addresses, all hosts will have access to the printer.

  5. Enter the validation password (if one has been assigned), and click the Do/Apply button.

Controlling host access using a PostScript utility file

To create a PostScript file to set host access, use the script config-sockets provided with the printer's network utilities software.

  1. Make sure that the printer is connected to the network.

  2. Run the script config-sockets:

    1. Change (cd) to the bin subdirectory in the directory where you placed your printer's PhaserShare Software.

    2. Type the name of the script, redirecting the output to a file:

      config-sockets > filename

  3. When prompted, enter the IP addresse(s) of the host(s) that will have access to the printer. You can enter addresses for multiple hosts by separating them with spaces, up to a total of 256 characters. If you do not enter any addresses, all hosts will have access to the printer.

    Note: The script accepts IP addresses that have empty fields (for example, 123..40.10). The script does not detect this error. Double-check the IP addresses you enter.
  4. Send the file named in Step 2b to the printer. Type:

    lp -dqueue-name filename

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