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The installer places (by default) the PhaserShare Administrator icon in a folder/group called PhaserTools. To start the PhaserShare Administrator, double-click the PhaserShare Administrator icon, or start the application using one of the standard Windows methods. Refer to your Windows documentation for complete information on how to start applications.
The PhaserShare Administrator displays its Main window.
Locate the printer you wish to work with in the Printer List.
If the list is long, you may need to use the scroll bar to scroll through the list and find the printer you want.
The list is constructed according to the search options that are currently active. You can control the list to display only certain types of printers based on search options that you specify. To do this, click the Search Options button to display the Search Options dialog box. For more information on controlling the list with search options, see Specifying search options: the Search Options dialog box.
Note: The list is updated each time you click the OK button in the Search Options dialog box. Click the button you need to perform the type of work you need to do:
Note: The list is updated each time you click the OK button in the Search Options dialog box.
To configure NetWare file servers, queues, and the notify list for the selected printer, click the Configure Network button:
With NetWare 4.x servers. The Configure Network button opens the NWAdmin utility, if it is installed; if NWAdmin is not installed, this button is grayed-out.
Specifying search options: the Search Options dialog box
If you are logged on to an NDS file server, these buttons are grayed-out:
File Server by Print Server
FS/Queue by Print Server
The field at the bottom of the Select by area allows you to enter specific information after you have chosen a selection option. This field functions either as a fill-in field or a pull-down menu, depending on what selection option you have chosen. For example, if you choose Printer Name as the selection option, type a printer name in the field. If you choose File Server as the selection option, the field becomes a pull-down menu displaying the file servers your workstation is attached to. Select a file server from the pull-down menu.
Note: When typing in the printer name or printer model, you may end any entry with a "wild card." Wild cards are: an asterisk (*) to specify any group of characters and a question mark (?) to specify any single character. To sort the printers in the list. In the Sort by area, click the button for the sort option you want to use. The sort option determines the order in which the printers are displayed on the list in the Main window.
Note: When typing in the printer name or printer model, you may end any entry with a "wild card." Wild cards are: an asterisk (*) to specify any group of characters and a question mark (?) to specify any single character.
Click the OK button to rearrange the list, or click the Cancel button to return to the Main window without rearranging the list.
Information Not Available in the Printer List When using the Sort by options, some selections in the Search Options dialog box display the message {Information Not Available} in the printer list in the Main window. This indicates that the printer is not equipped with a PhaserShare card or is not using the PhaserShare Series B interface. The PhaserShare Administrator cannot configure these printers; use the Advanced Configuration Tool supplied with your printer's network utilities software.
Printer Not Responding dialog box If you click a printer name and the PhaserShare Administrator displays the Printer Not Responding dialog box, quit and restart the PhaserShare Administrator. If you still get the same dialog box when you select the printer, there is probably a problem with the printer, its network connection, or the PC's network setup.
You also get the Printer Not Responding dialog box if you click a printer that reports Information Not Available in the Printer List (see the previous topic, Information Not Available in the Printer List).
Note: This error will occur if the frame type of the computer running the PhaserShare Administrator does not match the frame type of the printer it is attached to.