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Network printing with Tektronix color printers
The following items are key components for networking your Tektronix printer.

PhaserShare Series B network interface and PhaserShare cards

These bring ease-of-use, superb shareability and broad compatibility to Tektronix Phaser Color Printers.

PhaserShare software

PhaserShare software makes it easy to install, configure, and manage Phaser printers on a NetWare network.

PhaserLink software

PhaserLink software is internal printer software that provides printer status and supports printer management through a World Wide Web browser.

Tektronix PhaserPrint for UNIX software

PhaserPrint for UNIX software provides a driver with push-button control of printer features and fast raster file printing capability from UNIX workstations.

PhaserShare Series B network interface

The Phaser 360 printer supports the PhaserShare Series B network interface. This printer is equipped with a built-in PhaserShare Series B network interface with a 10BaseT Ethernet connector. This printer can be equipped with these optional PhaserShare Series B network cards:

PhaserShare Series B network cards can be purchased initially with the printer as options or added later as upgrade kits. A printer can have only one card installed at a time. When a PhaserShare Series B Fast Ethernet or Token Ring card is installed, the standard 10BaseT connector on the printer's rear panel is disabled. The card and the printer's standard parallel port can be simultaneously active. All network protocols can be simultaneously active.

The PhaserShare Series B network interfaces and the protocols they support are listed in the following table.

Interface Supported protocols

NetWare, EtherTalk, TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, Telnet

Token Ring

NetWare, EtherTalk, TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, Telnet



PhaserShare cards

PhaserShare cards work with the following printers: Phaser 380, 350, 340, 560, 550, 540, and 600. PhaserShare cards enable you to use your printer with Ethernet, Token Ring, LocalTalk, or serial connections. PhaserShare cards can be purchased initially with the printer as options or added later as upgrade kits. A PhaserShare card is a small, slide-in circuit board installed in the printer, with connectors visible on the back of the printer.

The PhaserShare cards and the protocols they support are listed in the following table. A printer can have only one PhaserShare card installed at a time. When a PhaserShare card is installed, all ports on the card and the printer's standard parallel port can be simultaneously active. Also, all network protocols can be simultaneously active.

PhaserShare card Supported protocols


Token Ring




Recognizing PhaserShare Series B interfaces and earlier PhaserShare cards

On your network, you may have some Tektronix printers that are equipped with PhaserShare Series B interfaces and other Tektronix printers that are equipped with earlier PhaserShare cards. Printers equipped with earlier PhaserShare cards are supported differently in printer management software such as the PhaserShare Administrator and PhaserLink software. These differences are noted throughout this guide. There are several ways to determine if the printer is equipped with a PhaserShare Series B interface or an earlier PhaserShare card:

Environments supported

Tektronix Phaser printers are compatible with mixed PC, Macintosh, UNIX and VMS workstation environments. The printer automatically switches between the printer's ports and network protocols to service all computers on the network.

Phaser printers are compatible with nearly all PC client/server environments. The printer's Ethernet and Token Ring network interfaces are compatible with the following:

Supported PC platforms

Any PC in the server environments listed in the previous topic, "Environments supported," can print over the network to a Phaser printer, including the following:

Supported Macintosh platforms

Macintosh computers are supported using AppleTalk (LocalTalk, EtherTalk and TokenTalk).

Supported UNIX workstations

UNIX workstations typically communicate using the TCP/IP protocol.

Supported VMS workstations

VMS workstations in DECnet environments are supported using the printer's TCP/IP support and PhaserSym software from Tektronix. Contact Tektronix Technical Support for more information (see If you need help from Tektronix). If you already have TCP/IP for OpenVMS, (DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, formerly UCX, or Multinet), you can use that software without PhaserSym.

Phaser printers are compatible with Banyan Vines and Microsoft LAN Manager servers; however, third-party interfaces are required. Contact Tektronix Technical Support for more information (see If you need help from Tektronix).

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