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Aldus PageMaker 5.0 and 6.0
CorelDRAW 5.0
CorelDRAW 6.0 and 7.0
Place the TEK_350.AI file in Adobe Illustrator's Color directory.
Start the Illustrator application.
Open the file or image you want to use.
From the File menu, select the Open command.
In the dialog box that appears, locate the directory and file location of the TEK_350.AI file, and open the file.
When you are working on an image, use the Paint menu and either the Paint Style or Custom Color commands to select PANTONE Colors.
Place the TEK_350.ACF file in the USENGLSHCOLOR directory in the Aldus application directory.
Start PageMaker.
Choose Element, Define Colors, New, Libraries, then select the Phaser 350 Pantone Library.
Place the TEK_350.PAL file in the Corel application's directory.
Open CorelDRAW.
Open the document you want to work in.
Select the item you want filled with a PANTONE Color, then select the Fill tool icon (paint bucket).
Select the Fill tool icon again, then select the Open button under Palette.
In the dialog box under Path, specify the location of the TEK_350.PAL file.
Under Files, select the TEK_350.PAL file and select the Load button.
Open CorelDRAW and the document you want to work in.
Select the item you want filled with a PANTONE Color, then select the Fill tool icon (paint bucket); a menu of icons appears.
Select the Fill Color icon; the Uniform Fill dialog box opens.
Select Palette Options, then select Open Palette from the list.
In the dialog box that appears, make the following selections:
For Files of type select Process palette (*.pal).
Click Open.