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SNMP v3 Help

Note: The SNMPv3 implementation uses MD5 as the authentication protocol (usmUserAuthProtocol) and DES as the privacy protocol (usmUserPrivProtocol).

Administrator Account

Account Enabled - Select this checkbox to enable the SNMP administrator account. Select this checkbox to create an administrator account that can be used to provide more extensive access to the objects on the printer.

User Name - This displays the administrative user account name. This will always be "Xadmin".

Authentication Password, Confirm Authentication Password - Type in the authentication password for the SNMP administrator account. The Authentication Password is used when sending authenticated SNMPv3 messages.

Privacy Password, Confirm Privacy Password - Type in the privacy password in these two fields. The Privacy Password is used when sending private (encrypted) SNMPv3 messages.

Print Drivers / Remote Client Account

Account Enabled - Select this checkbox, then click Save Changes to create an account for bi-directional printer drivers and Xerox remote clients. When this is enabled, it allows applications using SNMP v3 to communicate with the printer, such as Xerox printer drivers.

Reset to default Password - Press the Reset button to change the Authenitcation Password and Privacy Password back to their default values.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click Save Changes to keep the settings or Discard Changes to keep the previous settings.

Link: Xerox website