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Phaser 600

Resetting the printer
The Reset Printer (RESET.PS) file resets the printer to its power-on conditions (not its factory default conditions), without turning the printer's power switch off and on. The power-on conditions include any custom changes made to the printer that are stored in the printer's NVRAM, or changes that are persistent across printer power cycles. For example, if you used a downloadable utility file to change the printer's name or to set a color correction, these are power-on conditions that are not altered by resetting the printer. Resetting the printer erases changes that are not persistent across printer power cycles, such as the Xerox error handler utility and custom color profiles.

This file restarts the printer as soon as all the jobs in its queue are finished. The printer remains unavailable while it initializes.

Click on the following topics for more information:

Resetting the printer from a Macintosh

Note: Do not use the Restart Printer command in the LaserWriter Utility's Utilities menu. Follow this procedure to reset the printer using the LaserWriter Utility to download the Reset Printer utility file.
  1. Follow the instructions in Installing the Macintosh utility files from the printer's CD-ROM to install the printer's software.

  2. Select the appropriate printer in the Chooser.

  3. Locate the LaserWriter Utility in the PhaserTools folder on your hard disk, and double-click its icon to start the application.

  4. Choose Download PostScript File from the Utilities menu.

  5. Select the Reset Printer file in the list then click Open. (This file was installed in the Printer Utilities folder, inside the PhaserTools folder.)

    Note: The process of resetting the printer takes a few minutes to complete. You will receive a message on your screen indicating the connection has been interrupted during the reset. The connection is re-established after the reset, so you can ignore this message; click the Continue button.
  6. At the prompt Save PostScript output as: you are asked for a file name for saving printer output. Use either the default name given in the edit box or type in a new name.

  7. Click Save to send the file to the printer.

  8. If no output is returned by the printer, the LaserWriter Utility displays a dialog box; click OK to continue.

Resetting the printer from a PC

  1. See Installing the utility files to locate the printer's utility files.

  2. Use one of the following methods to send the RESET.PS file to the printer:

    • PC users: Use the DOS COPY command to send the file to the printer. (Windows 3.1 users can also use the Copy command in the File Manager.)

    • Workstation users: Send the file to the printer as you would any PostScript file.

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