Testing printer language mode changes
Click on the following topics for more information:
Testing HP-GL mode
HPGLTEST.PLT is an HP-GL file that prints a single line of text if the printer is operating in HP-GL mode.
Send the HPGLTEST.PLT file to the printer after you send the HPGL.PS or AIS.PS file, to make sure the language change was made correctly.
- Locate the utility files on the Phaser 600 printer's CD-ROM; refer to Installing the files for instructions.
- Use one of the following methods to send the HPGLTEST.PLT file to the printer:
- PC users: Use the DOS COPY command to send the file to the printer. (Windows 3.1 users can also use the Copy command in the File Manager.)
- Workstation users: Send the file to the printer as you would any utility file.
Testing PostScript mode
PSTEST.PS is a PostScript file that prints a single line of text if the printer is operating in PostScript mode.
Send the PSTEST.PS file to the printer after you send the PSCRIPT.PS or AIS.PS file, to make sure the language change was made correctly.
- Locate the utility files on the Phaser 600 printer's CD-ROM; refer to Installing the files for instructions.
- Use one of the following methods to send the PSTEST.PS file to the printer:
- PC users: Use the DOS COPY command to send the file to the printer. (Windows 3.1 users can also use the Copy command in the File Manager.)
- Workstation users: Send the file to the printer as you would any utility file.
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