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View and Configure Syslog Settings

Function Description
Syslog Enabled

This field allows you to enable and disable the protocol.

Log Host

This field allows you to designate hosts to receive and log Syslog messages. To designate a host as a log host, enter its IP Address in the Log Host field.

You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a single space. The value entered must be a valid IP Address, and not,, or any address ending with the triplet 255.

For Phaser 360 printers, the maximum number of characters is 163; for Phaser 380, 350, 340, 560, 550, and 600 printers, the maximum is 155 characters.

Log Priority

This field allows you to set a threshold indicating which priority level of message from the printer will be sent to the log host(s). Enter a number between 0 and 7.

The threshold numbers and their meanings are shown in the following list. The priorities listed in the table conform to BSD and SunOS conventions.

0 - emergency; printer is no longer available
1 - alert; printer needs immediate attention
2 - critical; critical error messages
3 - error; error messages
4 - warning; warning messages
5 - notice (printer's default); normal but significant messages
6 - informational messages
7 - debugging messages

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