This field reports the ports available.
Ethernet (or Token Ring) Protocols
This field reports the protocols available.
Printer ID
This field reports the Printer ID, a unique number that identifies the printer.
Authorization Code(s)
This parameter is read-only on this page; it is hyper-linked to the
Configure Authorization Codes
page, where codes can be set. Authorization codes are used to activate optional printer features. Authorization codes sent to the printer take effect after the printer is reset. This field reports the authorization codes that are currently set; if none are set, the field displays
Adobe PostScript Level 3 Version
This field reports the version number of the printer's PostScript interpreter.
Xerox Version
This field reports the firmware version numbers of the printer's PostScript ROM, network ROM, and print engine ROM.
Printer Serial Number
This field reports the printer's serial number, which is also on the rear panel.
RAM Memory
This field reports the amount of RAM installed in the printer.
Fonts Available
This field reports the number of fonts in the printer's PostScript ROM.