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Phaser 350X

Printing font samplers

Printing a font sampler from a Macintosh

You can print a sample of the printer's resident fonts by downloading the Fonts Sampler utility file to the printer.

Note: If you are using QuickDraw GX and System 7.5, you can print the fonts sampler from the Tektronix Phaser 350 GX printer driver.
  1. Install the sampler and utility files from either the Installer Mac OS Diskette or the printer's CD-ROM. Refer to Using the Macintosh Installer for details.

  2. Select the appropriate printer in the Chooser.

  3. Locate the Apple Printer Utility in the PhaserTools folder on your hard disk, and double-click its icon to start the application.

  4. Choose Download PostScript File from the Utilities menu.

  5. Select the Font Sampler file from the list, then click Open. (This file was installed in the Samplers folder inside the PhaserTools folder.)

  6. If no output is returned by the printer, the Apple Printer Utility displays a dialog box; click OK to continue.

Printing a font sampler from a PC

You can print a sample of the printer's resident fonts by downloading the FONTS.PS utility file to the printer.

  1. Locate the FONTS.PS file in the SAMPLERS directory either on the printer's CD-ROM or the Printer Software for Windows diskette.

  2. Copy the FONTS.PS file to your hard disk or use the file directly from the CD-ROM.

  3. Use one of the following methods to send the FONTS.PS file to the printer:

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