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MaiLinX Message Settings Help

Use this page to specify Local Printer Information and the Contents of the MaiLinX Alert messages.

Local Printer Information

Printer Name (SNMP System Name) - This field enables you to specify the printer name, up to 32 characters in length. This can also be set from various other pages within CentreWare IS.

Printer Location (SNMP System Location) - This field enables you to specify the printer location. This can also be set from various other pages within CentreWare IS.

Printer Contact (SNMP System Contact) - This field enables you to specify the name of the contact person for printer problems. This can also be set from various other pages within CentreWare IS.

Contents of MaiLinX Alert Messages

You can specify different messages for Admin, Key User, and Service recipients. The Subject Text fields control the contents of the Subject line. The Message Text fields control the contents of the message body.

In addition to plain text, you can use the following variables in messages and subject lines:

\@ = email address
\& = sysadmin contact
\$ = printer name
\% = printer location
\# = printer serial number
\* = error message
\n = new line

For example, with the printer name defined as "Xerox", entering the default subject text as:

MaiLinX Alert from \$

displays as:

MaiLinX Alert from Xerox

Entering the default message text as:

Printer \$ (\%) (\#) \*

displays as:

Printer Xerox (First Floor) (BPR4006) Paper Out
Link: Xerox website