PhaserShare Series B network cards work with the Phaser 840, 740, 780, and 360 printers. Printers that work with PhaserShare Series B network cards have a built-in PhaserShare Series B Ethernet interface on the rear panel. Earlier printers (Phaser 380, 350, 340, 560, 550, 540, and 600) may be equipped with earlier PhaserShare network cards; these printers have no built-in network connections on the rear panel. If you are not sure which network interface your printer has, see
Recognizing PhaserShare Series B interfaces and earlier PhaserShare cards.
This manual provides information on connecting PhaserShare Series B interfaces to the network; for information on installing PhaserShare Series B network cards, see the instruction sheet that is shipped with each card.
PhaserShare Series B Ethernet interface
PhaserShare Series B Token Ring card
PhaserShare Series B LocalTalk card